COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – Continuance of Services
Dear Clients,
Brisbane Centre for Psychology (BCP) hopes that you are all safe and well during these unprecedented times.
NBP is cooperating with all Govt required COVID-19 restrictions to minimise risk of exposure.
If clients require psychology treatment and are experiencing no ‘flu like’ symptoms and would prefer a ‘face to face’ treatment session we are still able to assist as long as the individual psychologist is in agreement with this. Such sessions will still be completed according to Govt required COVID-19 restrictions as it relates to social distancing.
Effective 30 March 2020 until 30 September 2020 the Govt has also approved Telehealth sessions for all psychology clients. This allows patients to conduct their treatment session via video or telephone.
BCP will utilise telephone &/or on-line platforms to conduct telehealth treatment sessions.
If patients have ‘flu like’ symptoms, have recently returned from overseas or been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 then please contact BCP for advice.
BCP is still receiving new psychology referrals and is dedicated to helping our clients maintain their wellbeing during this pandemic as far as possible.
If anyone has any questions please call 1300 325 414.
BCP Team